Monday, 28 February 2011

Cara Nak Laju Kan Mozilla Firefox....

Zaman skang ni mmg banyak betul "Engine Carian". Tapi bg aku yang paling best guna ttp mozilla firefox berbanding "Engine Carian " yang lain.. So arini aku nak bagi tips cemana nak laju kan Mozilla Firefox....

taip about:config kat address bar.

so korang akan dapat melihat warning page. Klik butang I’ll be careful, I promise! untuk teruskan.

lepas tu korang skroll kat bawah sket korang akan nampak


Double click
untuk tukar value dia daripada false ke true. Double click kat network.http.pipelining.maxrequests , tuka value dia ke 30.

Sekarang right click kat mana-mana tempat kat page tu, pilih NEW pastu pilih INTEGER. namakan sebagai nglayout.initialpaint.delay . Lepasatu letak value dia 0.

Tutup firefox, lepas tu buka semula..anda akan dapat lihat perbezaan nya . Selamat Mencuba!!!!!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Club Asteria Cara Terbaik Mendapat Pendapatan Secara Pasif Di Online!!!

Club Asteria merupakan cara terbaik mendapat pendapatan secara pasif secara online, mendapat hasil dalam seminggu dengan tidak perlu menghadiri meeting, membuat recruitment ahli baru, dan memasang downline dibawah atau menjual barang…ianya seperti anda menyimpan duit didalam akaun ASB. Kami telah membuat wang dalam talian selama bertahun-tahun dan ini merupakan cara paling menarik, selamat dan paling penting menguntungkan . Dengan yuran keahlian serendah USD20/bulan bagi “Gold Member” anda akan mendapat pulangan sebanyak 0-10% secara mingguan. Jadi apa tunggu lagi.

Click Here To Join

Jom Buat Duit ...

Anda Tidak Suka Menaja?
Anda sudah Penat Menaja?
Semua kawan dah Tak layan?
Masih menunggu downline percuma?
Apa kata jika anda
tidak perlu semua itu?
Tetapi anda tetap dapat
bonus Mingguan!!
Dengan modal serendah $10 sebulan
serendah $270 sekali bayar
Anda layak mendapat
bonus setiap MINGGU !!
(** nilai dalam us dollar)
Adakah anda berminat?
Jika tidak cukup banyak tu, anda ada peluang jana
5 angka (usd) sebulan sekiranya anda aktif menaja.
Anda tidak perlu menghadiri taklimat, mesyuarat, balik lewat malam. Tidak perlu penuhkan quota bulanan, terkejar sana sini jumpa prospek, tidak perlu buat talk di hotel, tidak perlu buang masa, buang minyak petrol, perabis duit belanja kawan di kedai mamak dsbnya..
Semuanya ada boleh lakukan dirumah menggunakan internet. Anda boleh chatting, guna facebook, twitter dan apa sahaja laman sosial di internet. Bermakna anda tidak perlu keluar dan balik lewat malam. Isteri pun suka, anak pun suka sbb ayah dia sentiasa ada dirumah. Badan pun tak penat sebab esok nak bangun awal pergi kerja lagi. Duit tetap masyuukk tiap2 minggu.
Jadi apa lagi?
Jangan Buang Masa Anda..
Teruskan membaca dan jangan lepaskan peluang ini.

What is Club-Asteria?

What is Club-Asteria?
Club membership-Asteria is a Universal program in which profit is derived from a clear business (real business) and is managed by Andrea Lucas, qualified the overall experience of more than 30 years. She is also a former director of the World Bank. Further information can refer to the company website.
Company Adress...

HONG KONG HEADQUARTERS ADDRESS Asteria Holdings Limited (Hong Kong) Suite 1005, Albion Plaza 2-6 Granville Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Fax: 1-703-832-0772 Email:

Club Asteria, Asteria Corporation
1934 Old Gallows Road
Suite 350, Vienna, VA, USA 22182
Tel: 1-703-226-8097
Fax: 1-703-832-0772
Registration Company Certificate..

Club-Asteria is not investment programme!!!. No investment activity done by company and members hoped did not give information that wrong. Please contact company if you need further clarification.

The following is a brief description of mission-Asteria Club (CA). More information please refer to the website.
  1. We provide educational tools and programs to our members ...
    Members CA will be provided with training, resources and education program2 to succeed in their careers and businesses .. entrepreneur
  2. We identify profitable business opportunities and new technologies ...
    CA will provide lucrative business opportunities and new technologies
  3. Partner with service providers ....
    In this case will provide remittance facilities by way of a cheap, easy and fast
  4. We offer discount shopping and discount travel opportunities.
    CA will provide a discount to members to shopping and tourist packages
  5. To design and implement new electronic and mobile banking technologies ...
    We can use the handset technology to make banking financial transactions ..
  6. Offer Micro-financing/micro-credit ...
    Among the facilities to entrepreneurs who want to purchase / lease of agricultural land / farm shop, selling products / services etc. ..
  7. Support to children and struggling families around the globe ....
    Helping those in need around the world .. charity program ..
  8. Expression and a forum for intelligent discussion ...
    Forum to discuss those who cerdikpandai ..
Who is Andrea Lucas?
Andrea Lucas, CEO - Managing Director of Club Asteria, who is also former Director of the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, World Bank - Managed 400 + project for IFC, Negotiated Funding for the External of Russia, Sudan, Yemen, Philippines, China and Cameroon and Managed Joint Venture Projects in Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. She also rates the Chair Person Asian Development Consortium Inc, President - Development other languages Int'l Ltd, Published Author and PMD (Harvard), MBA, CPA, CMC. More about her at

Letters from International Finance Corporation, World Bank.Click to image larger.
How profits earned?
When you register and log in, you will see many links attached as Exclusive tools, business tools, success tools, training, coaching, opportunities, travel, shopping malls, remittances and so on. Profits from those sales will be shared with members of Club-Asteria.
You can see the video What is the Club Asteria in BI- (if there is no video, please use Google Chrome)

What is Asterios?
Asterios Points is a program like that would be different when we get to participate in this program. Weekly bonuses received will be given based on the number of Formula 80/20 asterios you. Please refer to Plan-Business for more information

What Product Asteria Club Have ?
By becoming a member by payment of $ 19.95 per month, you will find a collection of thousands of e-Books, CDs, Tapes, Videos, Educational Seminars, Software, Audio Recordings, informative and Systems Reports that you can download - and sell it if you want. We have over 10,000 titles are worth more than $ 7.500, mostly given the right to resell (Reseller Rights). A very high value for your education and also get an added benefit!
Club Asteria new-rated Pre-Launch (Pre-Launching) and more products will be introduced.
Download PowerPoint Presentation-Asteria CLUB <<<
Here are On Andrea Lucas and Club-Asteria.